Western Diocese PNCC

Serving God and Community since 1895!


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+Bishop Jaroslaw (Jerry Rafalko 1st Anniversary of Passing

July 13, 2024 was the 1st Anniversary of Passing of the late Bishop Jaroslaw (Jerry) Rafalko, and was commemorated with a requiem Mass celebrated at All Saints Cathedral by Prime Bishop Anthony Mikovsky. Concelebrating with Prime Bishop Anthony were all the senior priests of our diocese, and Fr David Rowinski, administrator of the Cathedral. Deacon Doug Scott was the deacon for the Mass.

Following the requiem Mass was the transferal of the late Bishop Jerry to his columbarium. Also in attendance were Bishop's wife Leslie, Bishop's sister Elzbieta and her family, clergy and faithful from numerous parishes in our diocese, members of Polonia, and those of the communities that Bishop Jerry served.

A reception followed in the parish hall, consisting of very deliciously prepared foods. All of the plans were very thoughtful and well carried out, to make for a beautiful remembrance of Bishop Jerry.

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.

+Bishop Jerry Memorial Scholarship

As we commemorated the 1st Anniversary of Passing of the late Bishop Jaroslaw (Jerry) Rafalko, we would like to remind you of the opportunity to remember him through a memorial scholarship in his name. This effort was begun by his wife Leslie Rafalko where Bishop Jerry’s legacy can continue through the administration of this scholarship. Your efforts will be a source of comfort to Leslie, and your help is greatly needed in order to raise enough capital to sustain this effort.

If you would like to contribute, please send your contribution to

All Saints Cathedral

9201 W. Higgins Road

Chicago, IL 60631

Please make checks payable to All Saints Cathedral, and indicate or write in the memo - “Bishop Jerry Scholarship.” Thank You for your compassion, thoughtfulness and support!

Clergy Pension Fund

Our annual appeal has begun, to support the Clergy Pension Fund of our Church. Our retired priests receive up to $600 per month as their pension from our Church, and surviving widows receive up to $300. Though we are pleased that we have been able to sustain this amount of support, we would like to do more. Here are a few ideas to raise awareness and increase the amounts of what is being collected.

1) Consider running your campaign to the end of July. Use the time to teach parishioners about what our retirees receive, and the need to increase our support.

2) Ask parish organizations and individuals to consider making special donations to the Clergy

Pension Fund during the campaign or any time throughout the year.

3) Advertise and encourage participation in special promotions like Honor Your Father on

Father’s Day

4) Set a goal for what you would like to collect. For example, if this is your first campaign,

consider setting a goal of $1000. The second and following years, state what was collected the

previous year, and try to surpass that.

5) Be creative!

By doing any or all of these things, we will collect more and make it possible to increase what is

being received by our retired priests or widows. Thank You for your generosity, thoughtfulness

and support as we together try to achieve more dignity for our retirees!

Spojnia Credit Union

In case you are not aware, our Church has a Credit Union - Spojnia Credit Union. This can be helpful information if you are considering a car loan or looking for savings opportunities. Please look them up at

spojniacreditunion.org for more information.


Please remember that the former Polish National Union of America is now District 19 of the Polish National Alliance. All policies with the PNU are still in force, and there are now better insurance products and deals because of the size of the PNA. If you would like more information, please contact Martin Wachna - martin.wachna@pna-znp.org .

Also, all former Districts of the PNU are now Councils of the PNA, and are encouraged to continue with their fraternal activities.

For example, Council 306 is having a School Supply Drive (see attached), and we encourage all Councils to find ways of serving the communities where you are located.

Thank you for your efforts in serving God in your parish, our diocese and our Church!

July 22-26

National Youth Convocation

Mercyhurst College

August 24

YMSR Golf Tournament

Buffalo, NY

October 15 & 16, 2024

Diocesan Synod at All Saints Cathedral

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